Light2dive appreciates your interest in the company and its products. We strongly encourage you to carefully read this Privacy Policy before using this website and any sub-sites thereof (together with the “Site”). This Privacy Policy specifies what kind of information Light2dive or third parties on behalf of Light2dive gathers from this Site and what measures are taken to protect your personal information. If you do not agree to the Privacy Policy, you may not use the Site. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time, so please check back periodically.

Please note that in order to take part in some of our functions and activities and to get access to some of our products or services, it will be necessary for you to provide information that identifies you such as your e-mail address, name, mailing address, telephone number and social security number (“Personal Data”) on certain areas of the Site. Therefore, you must fully understand and unambiguously consent to the collection, use, and transfer of such Personal Data on the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Collection and use of Personal Data and other user information
The information you submit to Light2dive is protected by data protection laws. Personal Data is recorded and managed by Light2dive and used in order to assist with the use of our products and/or online services. If you give us Personal Data in order to receive information in return from us – for instance, brochures, catalogs – we collect and store that information. That information enables us to fulfill your information request. The information will be stored in a reasonably secure and protected environment for as long as Light2dive believes it will improve the communication with you. If you wish to remove some or all of your details from our register, please contact the Light2dive.

Light2dive might request additional non-mandatory information from you in order to improve its knowledge of its customers or to conduct direct marketing or invite you to contests. You are free to respond to any such requests for additional information.

Light2dive also collects non-personal information about the usage of our Site through the use of Cookies. This information is collected on an aggregate basis and is only used for internal purposes in order to help us improve your online experience and facilitate your visit to the Site. Light2dive may connect this information to user Personal Data to determine which users access what materials, which allows us to improve the Site.

Light2dive does not knowingly gather any Personal Data from children under the age of 18 and does not aim its website at such persons. We advise parents and custodians to take an active interest in children’s activities and interests online.

Transfer of Personal Data
Light2dive will not transfer (other than for routing purpose) the Personal Data you provide on the Site to any third party, except (a) with your consent; (b) as may be required by law or court order; (c) to protect and defend the rights or property of Light2dive; (d) to protect the personal safety of users of the Site; (e) to persons or companies with whom Light2dive has contracts to carry out the internal operations of the Site or our business; or (f) we reasonably believe that they are subject to law, binding scheme or contract which upholds principles for fair handling and adequate level of protection of Personal Data. Light2dive reserves the right to contact the appropriate authority at the company’s discretion if it notices activities that may be illegal or violate Light2dive’s terms of use. Cookies

.The Site may use a technology called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files containing information that is saved on your computer by the webpage that you are visiting. They are used to help provide additional functionality to the Site and to help us analyze Site usage. There are two kinds of cookies: One kind is used for “remembering” information such as your username and password and is stored on your computer for as long as you decide to not “log out” of this subscription service. If you don’t use the function “Don’t ask for my username and password in the future” such cookies will never be stored on your computer.

.The other kind is a so-called session cookie. It is used to keep track of, for example, which language you have chosen on the webpage. During the time you visit a site, such cookies are saved temporarily in the memory of your computer. A session cookie is not stored for a long time on your computer and usually disappears when you close your web browser. By using such cookies, Light2dive hopes to better target relevant information to our visitors.

If you do not wish to accept Light2dive’s use of cookies, most browsers allow you to configure your browser to reject cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, this might limit functionality and your benefit of the Site.

Light2dive undertakes to take reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data we collect from you are accurate, complete and up to date. However, you are under the obligation to provide only Personal Data, which are accurate, complete and up to date at the time of the collection. Should you, later on, establish that Personal Data held by us are not accurate, complete and up to date, we will upon your written notice take reasonable steps to correct the Personal Data? You also have the right to obtain information about which Personal Data Light2dive has collected from you. If you wish to obtain such information, please send us a signed request by post. Security

While Light2dive cannot guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur, rest assured that Light2dive takes great care in maintaining the security of your Personal Data and in preventing unauthorized access to it through the use of reasonably appropriate technology and internal procedures.

Other websites
The Site may contain links to third party websites. Light2dive does not exercise control and is not responsible for the contents or privacy practices of third party websites that may be linked from the Site. Such websites may place their own cookies on your computer and/or have different ways of collecting and handling personal information. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy practices of such third party websites before using them.

Light2dive reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of this Privacy Policy in whole or in part, at any time and without giving prior notice. Changes in this Privacy Policy will be effective when posted on the Site. Your continued use of the Site after any change to this Privacy Policy is posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.