1) 30 days free replacement: We will repair or replace a light within 30 days of purchase if it is afflicted with a manufacturing defect. If the problem calls for a replacement, we will replace the light with the same model as the one sent in. If the model has been discontinued, customers will receive a product with similar or improved performance. 

2) 12 months free repair: We offer free repair within 12 months of purchase if problems develop with normal use. Failure or damage caused by improper use, unauthorized modification or reconstruction is not included. 

3) Limited lifetime warranty: If problems develop after 12 months of the purchase, we will charge for parts. The total repair fee is assessed according to the cost of the replaced materials. 

4) Shipping cost: We strongly recommend consumers to go to their local authorized dealers to purchase our products, and our local dealers will provide you with an excellent after-sale service. In order to protect the rights of our dealers, we will be directly responsible for after-sale service if products not purchased through our local dealers, but the global shipping cost is to be borne by the consumers themselves.

Service support:service@light2dive.com